إعداد: basel salahieh
محاضرة علميّة للدكتور باسل صلاحية في جامعة ستانفورد الأمريكيّة
نوفمبر 7, 2017
محاضرة علميّة لأحد أعضاء الجمعيّة في جامعة ستانفورد الأمريكيّة
ألقى عضو الجمعيّة د. باسل صلاحية محاضرة علميّة عن إعادة توجيه حقل الضوء Light Field Retargeting ضمن سلسلة محاضرات مركز ستانفورد لهندسة أنظمة التصويرSCIEN في كلية الهندسة الكهربائيّة – في جامعة ستانفورد. شملت المحاضرة ملخّصاً عن أعمال الباحث ضمن مختبرات إنتل المتعلّقة بالتقاط حقل الضوء عبر أجهزة التصوير ومعالجته بغية إظهاره بزاوية عرض أكبر وعمق أفضل على أجهزة العرض المتعدّدة الأبعاد، وتفاعلياً مع زاوية نظر ومكان المشاهد. يُذكر أنّ سلسلة محاضرات SCIEN تضمّ نخبة من الباحثين المتميّزين في المجال الأكاديميّ والصناعيّ، ويحضرها طلبة الجامعة للتعرّف على آخر الأبحاث، كما تركّز في هذا العام على موضوعات تتعلّق بأجهزة العرض ثلاثيّة الأبعاد والواقع الافتراضيّ. يمكن لمعلومات أكثر زيارة الرابط الآتي:
فيما يلي بعض المعلومات الموجزة عن المحاضرة، والمحاضرة باللغة الإنجليزية، وفي حال الرغبة بتفاصيل أكثر يمكن العودة للمنشورات ذات الصلة:
Talk Abstract: Light fields are a collection of rays emanating from a 3D scene at various directions, that when properly captured provides a means of projecting depth and parallax cues on 3D displays. However due to the limited aperture size and the constrained spatial-angular sampling of many light field capture systems (e.g. plenoptic cameras), the displayed light fields provide only a narrow viewing zone in which parallax views can be supported. In addition, the autostereoscopic displaying devices may be of unmatched spatio-angular resolution (e.g. integral display) or of different architecture (e.g. multi-panel display) as opposed to the capturing plenoptic system which requires careful engineering between the capture and display stages. This talk presents an efficient light field retargeting pipeline for integral and multi-panel displays which provides us with a controllable enhanced parallax content. This is accomplished by slicing the captured light fields according to their depth content, boosting the parallax, and merging these slices with data filling. In integral displays, the synthesized views are simply resampled and reordered to create elemental images that beneath a lenslet array can collectively create multi-view rendering. For multi-panel displays, additional processing steps are needed to achieve seamless transition over different depth panels and viewing angles where displayed views are synthesized and aligned dynamically according to the position of the viewer. The retargeting technique is simulated and verified experimentally on actual integral and multi-panel displays
Speaker’s Biography: Basel Salahieh is a research scientist at Intel Labs working on computational imaging, light field processing, autostereoscopic displays, and virtual reality. He received his BS in electrical engineering from the University of Aleppo – Syria in 2007, his first MS degree in electrical engineering from University of Oklahoma in 2010, his second MS degree in optical sciences and PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Arizona in 2015. He has published more than 15 papers in international conferences and journals and more than 5 pending patents. In addition to his role at intel, Basel is currently serving as the president of the Syrian Society for Scientific Research organization
:Related Publications
- Basel Salahieh, Seth Hunter, Yi Wu, and Oscar Nestares, “Light Field Retargeting for Multi-Panel Displays,” arXiv:1710.02167 [eess.IV] (2017)
- Basel Salahieh, Yi Wu, and Oscar Nestares, “Light Field Retargeting from Plenoptic Camera to integral display,” 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, OSA (2017)
- Basel Salahieh, Seth Hunter, and Oscar Nestares, “Interactive Content Retargeting for Multi-Panel Displays,” 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, OSA (2017)
- Basel Salahieh , Yi Wu, and Oscar Nestares, “Light Field Perception Enhancements for Integral Displays,”Photography, Mobile, and Immersive Imaging Conference , IS&T Electronic Imaging (2018)